Chapter 12

When it was time to form teams, the director hadn’t even spoken yet, but my brother had already teleported to my side. He stretched out his hand, "Hello, Gu Jin." It was clear he was trying hard to keep my presence hidden. I perfunctorily shook his hand a few times: "Hello, Gu Ling." My brother narrowed his eyes in dissatisfaction: "Gu Ling, why have you lost so much weight? I begged you so many times to give me your address so I could send people to take care of you." I was momentarily speechless. Once, I had accidentally revealed my address. My brother had sent a professional nutritionist team, a butler, and three housekeepers, along with three trucks of furniture and luggage. The villagers thought a movie was being filmed, and they came by every day to take pictures. Half of the quiet plants I raised died overnight. After that, I kept my mouth shut about my location whenever I could. I forced a fake smile, the kind only the "fake smile boy" knows how to pull off: "I’ll definitely do it next time, definitely." With Li Meng, there were three of us in our team. Xiao Xiao was reluctantly placed in the other group. She walked off sulking, while Chen Qing actually seemed happy. What was that saying again? A "dog who licks" ends up with nothing in the end.