The final artifact, the Phoenix Heart, was said to be hidden in the Forbidden City itself, the heart of the Qing Dynasty's power. Mei Ling knew that retrieving the Heart would be the most dangerous task of all, as the Forbidden City was heavily guarded and filled with traps.
But Mei Ling also knew that she had no choice. The Black Dragon was closing in, and if he were to obtain the Heart, he would have the power to summon the Jade Phoenix and use its power for his own nefarious purposes.
With the help of her companions, Mei Ling devised a daring plan to infiltrate the Forbidden City. Disguised as a court official, Mei Ling managed to gain access to the inner chambers, where the Heart was kept in a heavily guarded vault.
But as she reached for the Heart, she was confronted by the Black Dragon himself. A fierce battle ensued, with Mei Ling and her companions fighting for their lives against the Black Dragon's minions. In the end, it was Mei Ling's courage and determination that prevailed, and she managed to claim the Phoenix Heart.